Nana, who’s that lady comin’ up the sidewalk?
Oh that’s just somebody your uncle invited over to watch the game.
She got pretty hair.
I’m sure she does now Lucy don’t you be starin at her -- put the curtains back together.
What's that she got on her arm?
Honey, I don't have time right now, I'm fixin the nachos.
Pocketbook? Looks funny for a pocketbook.
Oh -- let me see -- no that's not a pocketbook, Lucy, it's a scale.
Like in the bathroom?
Not really -- it's more old fashioned. You see those two big platters? She can weigh two things out against each other on those.
I don't know why and you're askin too many questions. Now scoot.
....... . . . . . . .
Nana, uncle and his friends sent me to bring 'em some food.
Food? What do they think I'm doin in here, my nails? I'm gettin em food. Here, bring em in the Planters Delux.
How much do peanuts weigh?
Honey, you look on that jar and it'll tell you.
40 oz -- that's not enough.
Lucy, you try my patience to the moon -- not enough what?
They want heavier stuff.
Ohhh -- I got to stir this Velveeta or it'll scorch. Here, bring em in the Meat & Cheese Party Tray and some Nancy's Deli Spirals.
That's only 5 lbs plus 1.3 lbs -- I'll bring em the EZ Peel Shrimp too, 3 more lbs!
Lucy -- Lucy! I was not finished layin those out!
But uncle says bring in everything he got you from his club.
Lucy -- come back here... (that boy has never had an oz of sense in his body from the minute I borned him.)
Nana! Can I take the Belgian Mini Cream Puffs... and the Hillshire Farms Lit'l Smokies 5.5 lbs? And the Tyson Buffalo Hot wings brings it up to 9.5 lbs, and these Casa Di Bertacci Meatballs 6 lbs!
Lucinda -- what is going on in there? This is not normal.
Uncle's puttin this stuff on the lady's scale and everybody's laughin.
Oh that Samuel, never could hold his beer any length of time -- soon as I get this cheese warmed...
He's not holdin beer, Nana. He got a big bottle of that black stuff in his hand -- looks like motor oil.
Lucy, it is not motor oil, that's the prune juice. Your uncle's prone to blockage -- child, come back here with those Farm Rich Mozzarella Breaded Cheese Sticks!
4.5 lbs, Nana -- uncle says!
....... . . . . . . .
(winded) He says we need more.
What's all that hollerin -- they bettin on the game or what?
They're bettin on the lady.
The lady! Now this is getting ridiculous.
They're throwin money at her other plate, the one without the food, only it never sticks -- it flies back out. So now they're bettin how long she can hold up her scale all lopsided like that.
Lucy, tell your uncle when I get out there -- TAKE your hands off the Tostitos!
They want these Scoops and the Restaurant Style Pick 'n' Pack.
Now they're screamin like banshees. Poke your head out there and tell me -- who made the touchdown Lucy?
The lady, Nana, she's all crumpled over and Uncle's pilin the 50" HD Plasma TV and Panasonic DVD/VCR recorder on top of the 7 Layer Taco Dip (40 oz)!
You got that taco dip past me too?
Yes mam, when I grabbed the Mi Abuelo Fresh Salsa 48 oz.
Young lady -- !
Nana, we got to help her. She's bleeding.
Bleeding? All right honey, I'm hanging up my apron, look my hair is flyin every which way...
Hurry up, Nana, she's crying and they're laughing.
Lucy I am coming but you listen to me little girl, the lady is a full grown friend of your uncle's and if he asks her over to the Super Bowl I'm sure she can plainly see --
No she can't, Nana.
No she can't what?
She can't see.
What are you talking about sweetheart?
She's blind, Nana. Didn't I tell you? The lady's blind.
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