November 12, 2008

Michelle Obama's alleged red blotches

Dear Kim,

I've been so involved in citizen politics lately that I've barely read 'Style & Taste.' Your piece about Michelle Obama caught my eye because I like your writing and sense of fair play.

I admire Michelle Obama's confidence, graciousness and devotion to the good of the country. It's nice that she cares about her appearance and enjoys clothes shopping. But for me, that's a footnote.

If she wants to hire a stylist, that's fine. Maybe the bloggers will critique the stylist from then on -- or Michelle Obama for hiring the wrong one! My point is, fashion is an art form we happen to wear, so art critics naturally pay attention to prominent people. But in a society where class is equated with wealth and the wealthy often lack class (ie. the gilded parachute), perhaps we could let Michelle be Michelle, enjoy her individuality and focus on the good work she wants to do.

Thanks for writing,

photo Craig ONeal (cc-by-sa-2.0)

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