It was embarrassing, as a woman, to see her squander her talents by pandering to a mean spirited conservatism. She lied about the Democrats' middle class tax cut.
"How are you going to be better off if our opponent adds a massive tax burden to the American economy?"
She lied about the Democrats' renewable energy policies.
"America needs more energy. Our opponent is against producing it."
She insulted citizens who take responsibility for their communities.
"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities."
She ignored her party's distension of the national debt and generous tax cuts to the well-to-do.
I was led to believe 'maverick McCain' would rattle the cages of his grand old party with a young, vibrant, new-thinking dynamo running-mate. Come to find out, with the glibness of Guliani and the vainglory of her new elitist friends, Miss Congeniality only finds it necessary to embrace the protectors of their own narrow perspectives and swollen purses.
Let the vetting begin.

Image uploaded to Commons by Ranveig licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
This has GOT to be a bad dream! Wake me on my birthday (11/5)!
Well.... there was a time when John McCain actually was a maverick but he sold that label long ago. There was also a time when John McCain was a war hero but unfortunately in presidential politics our war time heroes have seldom made good presidents. John McCain has insulted independent minded women throughout this country by assuming that a female presence in this election was all we wanted. I urge all free thinking women and the men who care about them to vote for Barack Obama and help preserve some judicial balance in our nation's supreme court.
Without Palin the RNC would have been a sleepy affair. She roused the conservative, creationist, and radically anti-choice wing of the party, for whom she was McCain's bait, and they chanted "Drill Baby Drill."
Polls are telling us that this election will be most affected by economic issues impacting American households, which are mostly run by women. "Drill Baby Drill" offers nothing but a false promise.
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